Hello everyone, and welcome back to the blog on this very special day! Guess what day it is?
My last post on World Elephant Day (
which you can find here!) was super fun to write and you can tell how excited I was to share some facts about elephants with you all!
Elephants are a special part of the things I love and I cannot emphasize how amazing these creatures are! We aren't taking the time and the effort to learn about ways to help their populations and numbers rise again, which is something especially disappointing to someone who loves them so much that they have a plushy of an elephant :)
Those of us that do help out these excellent animals however, have not been able to because of COVID-19. The rates of tourism are dropping, especially in places like Thailand where some are captive.
In today's post, I'd like to honor these elephants on their special day by spreading a bit of awareness for how they are being impacted.
Let's jump right in!
So, how exactly are elephants being impacted by the coronavirus?
Well, one of the main reasons is because of
less tourism (
With tourist locations having to close down due to the amount of COVID-19 cases, many places where elephants are normally required for tourist rides, etc can no longer hold such events and activities. Due to this, they cannot gain money which is the main reason we have access to resources like food.
Without this ability to get supplies, captive elephants aren't being fed. Elephants on average need to be fed about 200-600 pounds of food a day and can drink up to 50 gallons (about 190 liters) (
Source). There just isn't enough to go around.

Are there any upsides?
There's a lot of talk about how wildlife is getting a break right now from all the poaching and killing of innocent animals and plants due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the New York Times, elephants from Thailand's oldest national park have been able to go out and explore a bit more.
But, based on personal experience I know that people are rather more frightened when they see wildlife roaming around because "it just doesn't belong". While some animals can be dangerous to people, we need to keep our space. These animals will not hurt us if we do not hurt them.
Instead of trying to poach and kill any animal that comes near us, like we give other friends a chance we should to these animals as well.

Okay, how do I help out?
Ah, the big question. What should I do to pitch in and help these elephants out?
Well, I'm glad you asked! There are many things you can do to help out. One of the main ones is donating, since money shortages are on of the ongoing issues right now. This means donating to organizations like:
World Wildlife Fund: If you're new to the blog, this is an organization I almost always mention to everyone to donate to. The World Wildlife Fund is so much more than a website, it really does help show how a lot of effort can help have a lasting impact.
Specifically for elephants you can find how to donate to them
Ivory Free Canada: Ivory Free Canada is raising signatures to help ban ivory selling.
Help sign their petition so they can get to 1,000,000 signatures by TODAY, World Elephant Day.
Act now to help save elephants! I haven't listed every single website so you can help out these animals, which means that leaves plenty of options you can find all over the internet (though I do recommend finding a safe credible website before you donate! Giving towards the right cause is important!).
I hope you enjoyed this post! Again, happy elephant day! Have fun celebrating this day of elephants!
Stay safe, stay tuned, and S.P.A.T!
- TheBooksishElephant
This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
- Meet The Author
Hi there! I'm TheBookishElephant- a writer, reader, and a HUGE fan of all things animal! This blog is an inspiration of the animals I have seen growing up, and animals I hope to see as I continue on in my life! Animal Awareness is one of the things that can get out the word and help create change. Want to support my mission? Go ahead and click the follow button! Followers really inspire me to push the blog more and hopefully get word out the whole world! Well, what are you waiting for? There's fun awaiting!
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This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b- Help Save the Vaquitas!
- Vaquitas are critically endangered, with some scientists estimating only 10-15 left in the wild. This number is decreasing with the number of fishing accidents that happen, and we have to help! To learn more, read my post on vaquitas to gain insight and learn about websites that can help you contribute to their cause here.
This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
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This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
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