Celebrate With Me: IT'S WORLD ELEPHANT DAY! (How and Why You Should Celebrate)- Special Post
Hi, and welcome back! It's finally World Elephant Day, and I could scream for these awesome animals (as I did in the title). Most of my friends aren't into animals as much as I am, but I know there's a heart for creatures in everyone. What better way to bring these hearts out then with elephants! So here's a post on why elephants are so cool and awesome.
So let's jump right in:
Why we should celebrate elephants:
1) They Remember You
According to Ted Ed, they have recognized humans they had before met, and in one special case two elephants were delighted to see each other after being separated for twenty three years. They remember each other and are attached to each other greatly (see #5)
2) They Are Smart
Guess who has the largest brain of any land mammal on planet Earth? That's right, your friend the elephant! They actually have an advanced hippocampus (if you don't know, it is a part in the brain), and they are awesome problem solvers because of a pretty great cerebral cortex. According to the same Ted Ed source, they can even perform basic arithmetic. That's what you call one smart animal.
3) They Can't Jump
Come on, how cute is that? Elephants are not the only animals that can't jump, there are many others (rhinos, hippos, etc.) but imagine a small tiny cute elephant running without taking a few jumps now and then. Which leads me into another reason why elephants are the best...
4) They Are Cute
I know you could practically say this for any animal, but I picked out the top "aww" facts I loved about elephants (trust me, this was hard).
Aww Fact 1: Did you know a baby elephant sucks its "thumb", just like a baby does? Except, since they don't have thumbs really, they suck their trunks!
Aww Fact 2: They don't only live with their family. They also live with other elephants that sometimes they invite to live with their families.
Aww Fact 3: I was pretty surprised reading this for myself, but according to discoverwildlife.com, elephants will actually comfort one in grief with a sign that most elephants find comforting- putting their trunks in the other elephant's mouth.
5) They Care
Elephants are remembered by every member inside of their herds, and they have their ways to mourn for loved ones who have passed. They are said to perform their own kind of rituals, and as shown in this National Geographic video, they have very strong bonds between each other (and they return to burial sites!).
You should celebrate and help these creatures! Take a stand by doing at least one of the following:
So let's jump right in:
Why we should celebrate elephants:
1) They Remember You
According to Ted Ed, they have recognized humans they had before met, and in one special case two elephants were delighted to see each other after being separated for twenty three years. They remember each other and are attached to each other greatly (see #5)
2) They Are Smart
Guess who has the largest brain of any land mammal on planet Earth? That's right, your friend the elephant! They actually have an advanced hippocampus (if you don't know, it is a part in the brain), and they are awesome problem solvers because of a pretty great cerebral cortex. According to the same Ted Ed source, they can even perform basic arithmetic. That's what you call one smart animal.
3) They Can't Jump
Come on, how cute is that? Elephants are not the only animals that can't jump, there are many others (rhinos, hippos, etc.) but imagine a small tiny cute elephant running without taking a few jumps now and then. Which leads me into another reason why elephants are the best...
4) They Are Cute
I know you could practically say this for any animal, but I picked out the top "aww" facts I loved about elephants (trust me, this was hard).
Aww Fact 1: Did you know a baby elephant sucks its "thumb", just like a baby does? Except, since they don't have thumbs really, they suck their trunks!
Aww Fact 2: They don't only live with their family. They also live with other elephants that sometimes they invite to live with their families.
Aww Fact 3: I was pretty surprised reading this for myself, but according to discoverwildlife.com, elephants will actually comfort one in grief with a sign that most elephants find comforting- putting their trunks in the other elephant's mouth.
5) They Care
Elephants are remembered by every member inside of their herds, and they have their ways to mourn for loved ones who have passed. They are said to perform their own kind of rituals, and as shown in this National Geographic video, they have very strong bonds between each other (and they return to burial sites!).
You should celebrate and help these creatures! Take a stand by doing at least one of the following:
- Donate to an organization that helps protect elephants. One great one is savetheelephants.org. You can visit their site here.
- Raise awareness for poaching and hunting of elephants and their ivory and ways to prevent it
- Tell others not to put money in the pockets of people who hurt elephants in any way
- Adopt an elephant from the World Wildlife Foundation by a generous monthly donations so an elephant in need can get some help.
- If you're currently studying in school, ask your principal if you could perform a speech or start a club that helps initiate ideas on how to save elephants. (Two heads are better than one!) Some are still out of school for summer break, in which case the best idea would be to prepare out of school and bring your ideas to a school administrator later.
- It can be as simple as telling the person next to you Hey, did you hear today's World Elephant Day? can make a big difference.
Keep spreading the word fellow readers! I hope by this post you saw elephants from the eyes I do, and initiate some sort of help for them! Remember, there is no wrong idea if it helps an animal in need.
Follow, explore, stay tuned. And once more...
This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
- Meet The Author
- Hi there! I'm TheBookishElephant- a writer, reader, and a HUGE fan of all things animal! This blog is an inspiration of the animals I have seen growing up, and animals I hope to see as I continue on in my life! Animal Awareness is one of the things that can get out the word and help create change. Want to support my mission? Go ahead and click the follow button! Followers really inspire me to push the blog more and hopefully get word out the whole world! Well, what are you waiting for? There's fun awaiting!
This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
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This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b
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