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Smoothies That Remind Me of Animals (With Recipes and Trait Lists!)- Animals In Different Perspectives (#5)

Hi there! Now that summer has met August, where I live the heat is finally reaching it's summer-y levels. I've been whipping up a lot of smoothies lately as a perfect way to cool down from the heat, and since I need to catch up on Animals In Different Perspectives Posts (😊) I thought I'd do a post on smoothies that I've been making lately that remind me of animals.

Find it weird? Join me as the weird-ness takes new levels!

Here are five smoothies I picked that I thought resembled a type of animal (I even made extra trait lists to show you the traits I thought matched up the most!):

1) Strawberry Smoothies and Red Cardinals-  No, I didn't just pick these two for their colors, but also because I felt they have many traits in common.

The Recipe-  I usually use this one. Check it out! (I usually don't add vanilla extract but I'm sure it tastes good with it)

2) Triple Berry Smoothies and Kingsnakes- These are my absolute favorite smoothies to make for their extra cold flavor (since this recipe uses frozen berries) and because I'm a huge fan of berries. So why kingsnakes? Here's a few reasons:

The Recipe- My homemade recipe is similar to this one, but mine is fairly simple so this should be a better twist.

3) Kale Smoothies and Sea Turtles- Maybe my love for sea turtles was kicking into number three, but kale smoothies are literally just a sea turtle in a cup (Don't imagine the actually sea turtle in the cup- that would be scary!) Here are a few reasons why: (I had to include the green, that is the perfect touch to why they remind me of sea turtles!)

Kale smoothies compared to sea turtles list (read out the image)

The Recipe- Want a nice kale smoothie recipe? Since I didn't make one this summer yet, I pulled one that looked similar to the ones I made previously. Enjoy! (Click Here For The Recipe)

4) Berry Smoothie Bowls and Scorpions- What screams summer better than a smoothie bowl? I love having a bite of these whenever I can, and for some reason they remind me of scorpions. Sorry, not one "some reason", but two reasons...

(B.S.B = Berry Smoothie Bowl)

The Recipe- I used this recipe and it turned out great! It's a quick make that tastes delicious!

Okay, call me CrAzY for linking smoothies and animals. But with a little imagination, and a little change of your perspective, animals are everywhere. They're the life of the planet! And that is what these posts are all about.

Oh yes, and watch out for next Monday's post, because it's World Elephant Day on August 12th! There's a surprise being whipped up as you read this!

Follow, keep reading, and stay tuned!


(P.S: Please contribute to saving the vaquitas! There are now only 6-19 vaquitas left living in the wild! Numbers are dropping, and before we know it they could go extinct 😱 Please consider donating here, and if you'd like to learn more click here)

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My PhotoHi there! I'm TheBookishElephant- a writer, reader, and a HUGE fan of all things animal! This blog is an inspiration of the animals I have seen growing up, and animals I hope to see as I continue on in my life! Animal Awareness is one of the things that can get out the word and help create change. Want to support my mission? Go ahead and click the follow button! Followers really inspire me to push the blog more and hopefully get word out the whole world! Well, what are you waiting for? There's fun awaiting!

This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b

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This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b

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This is just a seperator kind of line so that the words are seperated and everything is good so I really hope it works. TOday we are going to Sanjana and Rohan's house jk that's tomorrow b

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  1. Always loved your animals in different perspectives posts, but this one was pretty amazing!

    Tried the berry smoothie one :)

    Can't wait for World Elephant Day! I'll be checking 'till then!


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